Cheat You Fair: The Story of Maxwell Street

Cheat You Fair The Story of Maxwell Street is a 2006 documentary film that details the history of Chicagos Maxwell Street community, including the rise and fall of the Maxwell Street Market.

Cheat You Fair was the name of a store on Maxwell Street. According to director Phil Ranstrom, that name expressed the spirit of bargaining that went on at the store and in the street market that operated every Sunday until 1994.The first act of the film explores the history of Maxwell Street, which began after the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Some of the earliest inhabitants were Jewish settlers who came to America during the turn of the 20th century to escape Antisemitism in eastern Europe and Russia. Those who landed at Maxwell Street began selling products from pushcarts and Maxwell Street began to emerge as a place to shop and find a bargain. ........

Source: Wikipedia